14 in stock
CompareSchevaran Super Lime Away Plus Strong Acidic Descale Toilet Cleaner 5000ml
Powerful descaler for removal of hard water, protein, and carbohydrates scales from Toilet Bowl.
₨1,714.00 ₨1,338.00
10 in stock
CompareSchevaran All Klean (Highly Concentrated Disinfectant Surface Cleaner) 5000ml
High-quality product for all-purpose cleaner suitable for a variety of surfaces to remove normal and heavy soils. More suited for both manual mopping and machine scrubbing.
₨2,334.00 ₨1,832.00
13 in stock
CompareSchevaran Hand Wash 5000 ml
Germicidal liquid soap is recommended for use in factories, hospitals, kitchens, and mechanic shops, etc. which cleans your hands leaving skin feel soft, smooth &freshly scented.
₨2,705.00 ₨1,648.00
Schevaran Sunglow Furniture Polish 5000 ml
A neutral liquid emulsion for furniture maintenance i.e it cleans as it polishes that protects and preserves fine finishes.
₨4,868.00 ₨3,805.00
Schevaran Superklean Degreaser Chemical 5000 ml
It is an alkaline degreaser suitable for removing the greasy and oily floor, exhaust hoods, heavy-duty degreaser suitable for manual work.
₨2,642.00 ₨2,065.00
Schevaran Laundid Main Wash 5000 ml
It is a concentrated detergent, which has been developed for use in commercial, hospitals, and on-premise laundries. The product has been designed for automatic and manual dosing and can be applied in soft to medium-hard water.
₨5,521.00 ₨4,316.00
Schevaran Natural Shine Stainless Steel Polish 5000 ml
A cleaning formulation prepared using biological ingredients for manual cleaning and polishing of stainless steel surfaces car, Bus, Motorcycle, & other vehicles.
₨4,328.00 ₨3,382.00
Schevaran Labello Hand Wash 5000 ml
Germicidal liquid soap is recommended for use in factories, hospitals, kitchens, Pharmaceutical industries, dairies, large-scale bakeries, and mechanic shops, etc. which cleans your hands leaving skin feel soft, smooth &freshly scented.
₨2,655.00 ₨2,074.00
Schevaran Carpet Brite 5000 ml
A superior foaming neutral shampoo cleaner for carpet, upholstery, and rugs.
₨2,806.00 ₨2,466.70
Schevaran Soft Touch Hand Wash 5000 ml
Foaming, Neutral, Antiseptic, Pearlescent hand soap which cleans your hands leaving skin feeling soft, smooth &freshly scented.
₨2,109.00 ₨1,648.00
Schevaran Sparklean Dishwash Gel 5000 ml
A neutral cleaner cum sanitizer for manual dishwashing Specially formulated for the removal of greasy soils from utensils, crockery and cutlery, food soil, and other residues from dishes, silverware, glasses, pots, and pans, etc.
CompareSchevaran Germ-Free (F) Concentrated Bathroom Cleaner 5000ml
Powerful Unique neutral disinfectant cleaner, concentrated, Freshener and Deodoriser liquid cleaner for entire washroom and floors – designed to remove dirt, body oils, stains, soap scum from Bathroom walls & fittings, Floor.
CompareSchevaran Super Lime Away (NF) Concentrated Bathroom Cleaner 5000ml
Acidic descaler was suitable for cleaning of all surfaces like porcelain, ceramic, and stainless steel, etc toilet bowls, water closets, urinals, bathtubs, washbasin, and chrome fittings. Prohibited aluminum, galvanized iron, and marble.
CompareSchevaran Scale Off Scale Remover 1000 Gram
It is an acidic paste descaler used as a multi-surface cleaner paste. The paste-like formula makes easier the task of removing Hard And Stubborn Scales formed due to hard water deposits from sinks, tiles, and fixtures offering clean, bright surfaces.
CompareSchevaran Sapphire Cleanser 5000 ML
It is a multi-surface crème cleanser that removes grease, mildew stains, soap scums, scuffs, and other stubborn spots from sinks, tiles and fixtures, and buildups-WITHOUT SCRATCHING.
CompareSchevaran Viroff 153 5000 ML
Highly powerful Broad-spectrum germicidal disinfectant cleaners. Suitable for all kinds of floor, marble, tiles, vinyl, asphalt, linoleum, concrete floors, terrazzo & epoxy coated floors. It is suitable for all types of surfaces, walls. etc for homes, schools, commercial and industrial institutions, colleges, sports, fitness clinics, hotels, restaurants, nursing homes, hostels, healthcare, hospitals, Pharma Industries, and pharmaceuticals.
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